Visit Medway website terms and conditions
By reading and continuing to use the site, you agree to the following conditions of use. The Visit Medway Website is a service operated by Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR. Using the Visit Kent Destination Management System.
We make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this site.
Links to Other Sites
Encompassing the redirected domains,, and
Certain links, including hypertext links, in our site will take you outside our site. Links are provided for your convenience and inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or approval by Medway Council of the linked site, its operator or its content. We are not responsible for the content of any website outside of our site. Please direct any comments or complaints to the site's authors.
All rights in the design, text, graphics and other material on our site and the selection or arrangement thereof is copyright of Medway Council or other third parties. Permission is granted to electronically copy and print, in hard copy, portions of our site solely for private or educational use (within the classroom), provided that no changes are made to the material and that Medway Council is acknowledged as the owner.
Any other use of the materials on our site (including reproduction for purposes other than noted above and alteration, modification, distribution or republication) without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. Should you require permission for the above, please contact Medway tourism support.
Website content - contribution and consumption
Events listings can only be supplied by external organisations if they are a member of the Medway Tourism Association and/or the activity is taking place at an Medway Tourism Association members' venue.
Visitors to this site choosing to view listings advertised within the site agree with and accept the following:
Medway Council does not endorse, takes no responsibility and accepts no liability for the actions of individual event organisers, advertisers or proprietors or other persons listed as part of this advertising or in respect of the services or products offered by any such persons, and makes no representations in relation to any such service or product (including but not limited to its lawfulness).
The posting of listings on the website does not constitute an endorsement by Medway Council of the listings. Medway Council reserves the right to refuse to post any listing at any time. In addition, Medway Council may suspend or discontinue some or all of this public service at any time.
Medway Council gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation, as to the accuracy or completeness or lawfulness of the material and information contained in the listing representing events or the services or products offered or that any of the services or products offered are suitable for your intended use.
Medway Council shall not be liable for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from any use of or reliance upon any information contained in the listings.
Any person interested in any of the services or products referred to in this document should make their own independent enquiries and rely upon their own independent advice before making any decision that has or may have legal or financial consequences. Users of the listings on the website are fully responsible for checking for themselves the accuracy, completeness, currency and suitability of the individual listing.
Summary of Terms
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Message given to a web browser by a web server. The message is then stored by the browser in a text file called 'cookie.txt'. Cookies are used to enable a website to 'remember' whether a user has visited the site before and possibly to store marketing information about previous visits (items bought last time, pages visited etc.). Cookies are also used to store temporary information as a user moves from page to page within a site (items in a shopping basket etc.). Such cookies are erased when the user session ends. This information is converted to number format for statistical purposes, and all information relating to the individual is erased when the user session is ended.
Users can set their browser not to allow cookies to be stored in their computer. To do this, please follow the instructions provided with your web browser software.
IP Address
If you are connected to the Internet, you have one, for example, it may look something like this
User Session
A user's visit to a site begins when the user first accesses any page on a given site and ends after a visitor has left that site and not revisited it within a specified amount of time (normally 20 minutes) or when the user's browser is closed.
Web Server
Delivers (serves up) web pages to your computer.

Official website of Visit Medway, Medway Council